We will work with you to structure your assets tax efficiently using available allowances for pensions, ISAs, capital gains tax and inheritance tax. Over time we will add considerable value through this aspect of our process.

Understanding Estate Planning

A crucial component of a sound financial strategy is ‘estate planning.’ For many individuals, this entails ensuring the financial well-being of their family members after their passing.

Estate planning can range from the straightforward step of guaranteeing financial support for surviving dependents via life insurance to more intricate processes. For instance, it might involve creating a lasting legacy or establishing trusts while one is alive.

In many cases, we collaborate with the entire family unit, spanning across generations – parents, children, and grandparents – to formulate a comprehensive strategy aimed at wealth preservation and the orderly transfer of assets within the family.

Tax and Estate planning offers a significant benefit; if it proves effective, a greater portion of your income can be directed into your personal funds. This means improved standard of living with more disposable income or the ability to save for various financial goals, such as retirement planning or covering your children’s education expenses.

Our Approach

We will conduct a thorough examination of your present tax situation to understand your current tax obligations and explore ways to enhance your financial tax-efficiency. This extends to estate planning should you wish.

Once we have a comprehensive understanding of your financial situation and your estate planning goals, we will formulate a tax strategy proposal and collaborate with you to determine the next steps. Once the strategy is in place and agreed, we will provide ongoing tax advisory services, including Annual Review meetings and more frequent updates on relevant market developments.

At your annual review, we:

  • Update your circumstances
  • Discuss the financial performance of your assets
  • Discuss any relevant tax changes with you
  • Make recommendations concerning your service

Frequently Asked:


Why should I engage in tax planning?

Tax planning is designed to optimise tax-efficiency, enhancing your family’s overall wealth and financial stability.

Legally minimising your tax liability by capitalising on available tax allowances is a straightforward goal. Essentially, the lower your tax burden, the more funds you have at your disposal. These funds can be allocated toward your spending, savings for your family’s financial well-being, or bolstering your pension and retirement preparations.


Is planning my estate really important?

Estate planning involves preparing for the transfer of your assets and wealth to beneficiaries while minimising tax liabilities.

This is crucial because it enables you to enable a comprehensive strategy for wealth preservation and the orderly transfer of assets within the family. Lowering the tax burden through effective estate planning means more resources available for your family’s financial well-being and future security.


When should I start estate planning?

Navigating the UK’s intricate regulations can be challenging. As a general guideline, individuals possessing an estate exceeding £1 million, encompassing property and other assets, should seek advice – even if it’s simply to confirm the absence of tax liability.

For more substantial estates valued at £1 million or more, seeking advice is a prudent choice due to the potential benefits that value transfers and trust payments can provide in mitigating tax liabilities.

Most people only want to consider this aspect of their financial planning once they are well into retirement. There are more comfortable conversations to have. But sometimes, difficult conversations can be the most rewarding.


What is inheritance tax, and how might it impact me?

If you’re considering passing on assets or wealth after your passing, it’s essential to be aware that your heirs are more likely to encounter an inheritance tax (IHT) bill. Recent government data reveals a significant increase in IHT payments, with 41,000 individuals paying the tax in the past year. This marks a two-decade high and nearly double the amount from 2018/19.

The standard IHT rate in the UK is 40%, and it applies to the portion of an estate exceeding the combined threshold of the nil-rate band and residence nil-rate band, provided it isn’t directed to an exempt recipient like a spouse, civil partner, or charity. The standard nil-rate band has remained steady at £325,000 since the 2009/10 tax year.

For instance, if an estate is valued at £500,000, IHT would be levied on £175,000 of the estate at a 40% rate.


What is the Residence Nil-Rate Band (RNRB)?

The Residence Nil-Rate Band is just one of the available tax free allowances in the UK that can contribute to diligent tax planning, ultimately paving the way for a more financially secure future for your family.

The Residence Nil-Rate Band is a tax-free inheritance allowance, with a maximum limit of £175,000. This allowance is applicable to estates that pass on their primary UK residence to direct descendants upon the owner’s death.


What are the advantages of tax and estate planning?

If all works to plan, the primary benefit is the increased allocation of your funds for personal use. This means you can enjoy a higher standard of living with extra cash to save for important goals. It’s all about making your financial life more comfortable and secure.

Services We Offer

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